Verily Magazine & Missing Downton Abbey More Each Day

There's a new magazine out, Verily, that a friend of mine alerted me to. It's just my speed - made for real women. Not airbrushed, size 00 women who barely exist in the world, but rather a magazine geared towards the women who work, balance their professional/personal life, and who are made up of substance. Refreshing isn't it? I'm all about it. Subscription already in place, but their first issue is free so check it out and spread the world. I'm daydreaming of the day I don't need to stare at Cosmo et al. on the newsstand and decide if I want to read about "fifty signs he's into you" or "25 things you should know before you have a one night stand." Classy reading material. Right. But Verily, the real classy is what it's all about.

In surfing their website I came across this article on my favorite pastime/tv show, Downton Abbey. I cheer a little more each time I hear/read someone have the same fascination/admiration/dedication/any other adjective ending in -tion you can think of. It's really a special show and makes me wish I worked on it just to be part of the reality of that recreated world.

Check out the article and Verily. I don't think you'll be disappointed in either!