Every Day of Summer Photo Blog: Summer Week 3

Another week has flown by - - is it just me or is summer seriously flying? It's the second week of July and I'm already thinking the summer is nearly over! Where is time going? With the 4th of July and the hottest day of summer yet, week 3 turned out to be quite memorable. Here are the photos: 

Day 15 - Dad's Birthday: Born on the 4th of July. When I was younger, I genuinely thought the fireworks were for my dad. I thought everyone knew him and was celebrating him. For anyone who knows my dad, he's definitely worth celebrating. He's one of the few kind spirited, down to earth, most fun, and loving people I will ever know. It is impossible to be near him and not have a good laugh. Fireworks don't even begin to really celebrate him, but they're a good start. 

Day 16 - A Rare Display of Feathers: My parrot Emi hardly ever will allow me to take photos of him without trying to attack the camera. I think because I was away from him for a few days, he didn't care what I did and was just happy to not be alone. His colors are beyond beautiful - shades of green, tints of gray, bright blues and red make him quite unique. The blue under his wings is hardly seen unless he's spreading his wings like in this picture. Emi turned 12 this year - it's hard to believe he's entering his teens! It felt like only yesterday I was picking him out of a group of baby parrots when he was a mere 3 months old. 

Day 17 - How I Roll (A Public Art Project by Paola Pivi): I was exiting the apple store on 59th St and 5th when this plane caught my eye. I crossed the street to check it out and was pretty fascinated at it. It rotates 360 degrees! How interesting/fun/unique! 

Day 18 - Hair Maintenance: I didn't start dying my hair until I was 18 and in a way, I regret ever starting because the upkeep is ridiculous. On the hottest day of the summer to date, I trekked into the city to get my roots filled and high and low-lights done to my hair at this place. What I love is that the end product is subtle. So subtle no one even notices - - which I guess is good? 

Day 19 - Getting Some Sun: I have a few favorite places in the world. One happens to be conveniently on my apartment couch at about 4:15 in the summer/2:45 in the winter. That's the time when the sun is shining so brightly, I could sit on my couch and get a sunburn on my upper body and face. It's also a good time for my plants. I snapped this photo of a leaf on my elephant ear plant that seemed like it was reaching out to the sun. 

Day 20 - Going Express: Express trains fly by local stops so quickly and I've always wanted to capture that. I'm hardly ever prepared, but this night I was as I was fiddling with my phone trying to get my music to play for my train ride home. I snapped an express train flying by. The result was a picture that is a bit eerie - it looks like a see-through train. 

Day 21 - Classical Music Night in Central Park - I never take advantage of anything that NYC has to offer, except for this summer. Free concerts? Yes please! My mom and I went to the first free classical music concert of the summer at the bandshell in Central Park on a particularly not too hot summer evening. Lightning bugs buzzed around as we listened to Debussy, one of my favorite composers. The next concert is in two weeks and we'll be sure to bring some dinner and a bottle of vino to enjoy. 

Day 21 was really a great end to the 3rd week of summer - NYC is so awesome and I fall in love with it a little more each day. How could I ever leave this place?