Every Day of Summer Photo Blog: Summer Week 9

Week 9 was yet another busy week! Why are the weeks so busy? Isn't time supposed to go slower in the summer? And stress is supposed to not exist? That's what I signed up for! It was the second to last week of "summer" in the sense of summer being between Memorial and Labor Day. I am enjoying the fact that summer is still going strong for a little less than a month so I will be savoring every last second of it! Highlights in week 9 were cooking & baking, a girls night with Kim, and packing for a trip to the wilderness (aka Lake George)! Good times!

Summer Day 57: Hollywood moves to Sunnyside - A whole lot of movie trailers and generators took up home around the corner from my apartment this day. I'm not sure where they were filming, but they were filming something pretty big. I'm glad Sunnyside will be showing up on the big screen soon - it's pretty and the backdrop of the skyline is beyond awesome. 

Summer Day 58: Lazy Night - Sometimes I just want to watch TV when I get home from work, which is a very rare thing since it's usually the last thing I want to do. Tonight though, it was hot and I had to finish watching Arrested Development. My brother has been telling me for years that I need to watch that show and I finally did. It's awesome. I'm obsessed with it and want to watch it all over again. Which I just might do one night when I come home itching for that spot on the couch. Awesomely enough, it'll be premiering a final season AND a movie soon!

Summer Day 59: When Kim ordered a custom pasta dish - Kim and I had a girls night out and I suggested the restaurants. We've been to many places already so it was time for something different. I read good reviews on this restaurant in the west village so we went. One of our many waiters (we had like 5 different ones - strange) mentioned that if we didn't see it on the menu, we could make something ourselves. Well, Kim took that seriously and ordered this customized pasta - which was simply garlic, oil, tomato, basil, and some mozzarella. She asked for penne, they brought her fettuccine. Classic. It's always an adventure of some kind when Kim and I are together. 

Summer Day 60: Baking Chocolate Chip Muffins - My family trip to Lake George starts on Day 61 so today I baked some cupcakes for the clan to take up with them to enjoy (I was meeting them a few days later). On the menu were chocolate chip & banana walnut muffins. Yum! The chocolate chip I wasn't too fond of so I will not be making them again. Nor sharing the recipe. 

Summer Day 61: Descending - Ever take the escalator at the Lexington Avenue/53rd St Station? It has to be the scariest escalator that I've encountered here in NYC. The worst experience I ever had was in the Metro in Madrid, Spain. Those escalators are about 3 times longer than this one. 

Summer Day 62: Fresh Figs Goodness - Figs are in season! I enjoyed these for breakfast, fried in butter and honey then placed over greek yogurt. Delicious start to the morning. 

Summer Day 63: Bag is Ready! Lake George Bound in the am! - Don't fool yourself, this wasn't my only packed bag for my time in the wilderness. I had already sent up a duffel bag with my parents. This was simply my train bag. Still cute.