Christmas Goodness

It's my most favorite time of the year! My tree was up 2 days after Thanksgiving, carols were playing starting on noon of Turkey Day, and I've been enjoying the sights of the season throughout the city/suburbs. 

I added some new decorations to my tree/around the apartment this year: 


And my parents carefully hung up all the stockings when it was time to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas on December 6th:

My mother and I enjoyed a movie outing one evening then a walk over to Rock Center to check out the tree. 

As well as a walk to one of my favorite spots in the city: Lincoln Center. 


And what would Christmas be without a new Royal Albert tea cup to enjoy some warm tea on a chilly morning? 

This year I finally got around to the Milleridge Inn in Long Island. Talk about a winter wonderland! If that place doesn't get you in the spirit with its' carolers and decorations then I don't know what will!

Wishing everyone the merriest holiday!