A Tourist in My Own City!

It was brought to my attention by my lovely cousin, Corinne, that I haven't posted anything about her on this blog. Naturally, this blog should be all about her since she's goodness! Well, she is in many ways and I told her that I'd be writing about her once I got caught up with some entries. I haven't yet written about her and her friend, Brandi's, trip to NYC. Their trip to NYC meant me being a tour guide which meant me visiting places I've never been to ever. I've been living here all my life and have just visited the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Empire State building? It's just a landmark to figure out my direction. 30 Rock? That's where clients work. But their visit forced me to go where I've never been before and it was lovely. And exhausting. And hot. And delicious. And so memorable.

Here are some highlights of our whirlwind NYC weekend:

We visited The Empire State Building, at midnight. It was beautiful (and amazingly cool - temperature wise) and breathtaking:

En route to Chelsea Market, these were the faces staring back at me on the train: 

I think this gelato made everyone happy though:

On the highline and with a nice shot of the Empire State where we were 12 hours before:

A visit to Columbus Circle for some macaroons and some frisky-ness!:

Then some delicious burgers at Burger Joint: 

We also enjoyed a trip to Bliss spa for some massages (aka a nap) and then a concert in Central Park Summerstage after our burger indulgence.

We ended that evening with some good ol' fashioned street food: 

 This was my first hot dogs in over 3 years:

We did some window shipping on 5th Avenue ... I particularly liked these tea sets at Bergdorf's. One day... 

And we did Times Square, and Toys R Us, of course:

My favorite: Top of the Rock:

What I loved about the Top of the Rock is that you could look at the Empire State building. After all, that IS our skyline! Without seeing it, the city looks like any other (just a lot more lights). It was also great to see the city from above during the day since we did the night before at the top of the Empire State. Whole new perspective and it was such an amazingly clear day, you could see for miles.

The highlight of the weekend was the Yankee's game. I was very lucky/fortunate to get Legend's Suite tickets, front row behind home plate, thanks to a client. It was hot as anything that day, but having a nice cool indoor space to take breaks between innings helped out a lot.

Before the game, we were able to have lunch in the dining room. Ever think you could go to a baseball game and have this for lunch:
It was followed by a cannoli and more gelato. And then a few more gelato's since it was so hot.

The girls enjoyed their meals, lots of lobster for them!:

The seats were really awesome: 

But I tend to do things like this instead of paying attention to the game:

Can you blame me? Who can resist a man in uniform ...

There was awesome memorabilia all around, but this one was really special:

I'm really grateful that these girls came up to visit since I got to see this amazing city through their eyes. Gave me a different perspective and appreciation. I've considered starting a touring business after this weekend adventure ... kidding!  ... not really ...