Baking Mojo Lost?

I suspect I've lost my baking mojo. First it was the lemon tea cookies for my afternoon tea party I hosted for Downton Abbey's Premiere and then last week it was brownies. Both recipes were followed to the tee and came out edible, but lacking (severely). I'm so incredibly disappointed my long streak of baking success has come to a screeching halt! I suppose you can't say you lost something until the third one comes and you lose that too, so I'll need to try to bake something this week and see if that's a wash too. If it is, I'll be in need of some baking intervention!

And just for photographic reference, below are the brownies that I made poorly. They look somewhat ok, but don't let their appearance fool you. And also for the record, I followed this recipe to the tee - maybe you'll have better luck.